Training - Credit Analysis
General objectives:
The Credit and Risk Analysis Training aims to train the student in the credit analysis of customers from the most diverse segments, providing a more technical view aiming to reduce losses arising from bad credits.
Who is it for:
Professionals from financial institutions, executives from companies that work in the financial, controllership, credit and collection areas, lawyers, and business consultants who wish to improve themselves in topics related to Credit and Risk Assessment.
Expected benefits:
After the training, the participant will be able to:
• Understand the different methods for credit assessment of a legal and individual person;
• Know the main variables in the credit assessment process;
• Implement credit policies in their companies;
• Establish credit limits and more securely.
Powerpoint presentation, case studies and practical exercises
Module 1 - Credit Concept and Stages
The Credit Concept
Credit rating
Factors that circumscribe a Credit Policy
The Credit Investment Process
Module 2 - Credit Policies
Credit policies in financial institutions
The Basic Parameters - The C's of Credit
Collateral Conditions
Rating Agencies
Module 3 - The Analysis of Credit to Individuals and Microenterprises
registration analysis
suitability analysis
Financial analysis
Analysis of the Income Commitment Index with Onerous Expenses (ICRDO)
relationship analysis
equity analysis
Sensitivity analysis
business analysis
The Credit Scoring Model
The Behavior Scoring Model
The Mixed Model
Detailed Example of the Credit Scoring Model
Credit for microenterprise
Notes on Credit Assessment of Individuals and Microenterprises
Serasa and SCPCBuilding a credit rating
Module 4 - Legal Entity Credit Analysis
Documentation for Legal Entity Credit
Qualitative Assessment
Quantitative Analysis
Analysis Techniques Used in Quantitative Retrospective Assessment
Module 5 - Economic and Financial Assessment of a Credit Policy
Factors that circumvent a credit policy
Assessment of Credit Policy Changes
Analysis of Financial Statements
Module 6 - Warranties
Personal guarantees
Real guarantees
Guarantee of fixed income financial investment modalities
Duplicate deposit
Check deposit
chattel mortgage
merchant pledge
Warrant pledge and deposit acknowledgment
Module 7 - Introduction to Quantitative Risk Analysis
Average decision
Decision by average and risk
The quantification of risk
the concept of risk
Data distribution
The Normal Distribution
Credit applications
Other credit risk analysis and assessment models
Credit hours: 16h class
Investment, deadline and application procedures
Possibility of installments in up to 6 installments on the credit card
Progressive discount for:
1 registration = 10%
2 registrations = 15%
3 registrations = 20%
The registration fee includes:
Printed handout and worksheets
Valini Training Certificate
Check out the payment facilities for our events. Boleto, Credit Card up to 06 interest-free installments, or Deposit to Account.
If you prefer, request an In-Company proposal with the benefits of adapting training to your company's reality!