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Financial Modeling for Startups


General objectives:

  • Develop excel models to capture resources, increase cash flow, improve operations, plan projects and make decisions


Who is it for:

  • Early stage entrepreneurs who are looking for resources to grow their companies;

  • Startup managers who want to understand the impact of financial decisions on their companies and how to make it attractive for fundraising;

  • Investors who want to delve into concepts to analyze possible investments;

  • Financial managers or not, as well as consultants who want to delve into the subject.

Expected benefits:

  • Understand the steps to form a Startup

  • How to foresee scenarios for the future venture

  • Build a value proposition to present to potential investors.

  • Learn about financial modeling and management concepts



  • Conceptual classes, practical exercises in spreadsheets and case studies.




Module 1 - Business Thinking and Financial Modeling: Success Starts with the Right Mindset

  • Analyzing, demonstrating and explaining the value of the financial model

  • Attracting the Resources You Need to Grow Your Business

  • Strategies that build value and credibility

  • Performance and Execution Strategies

  • getting there fast

  • Taking early action

  • Understanding Design Thinking Concepts

  • Using prototypes for research and simultaneous selling

  • Be agile with technology and product development

  • Remember Cash is King

  • Have good controls and that are integrated

  • People and Process Strategy

  • protecting your team

  • team involvement

  • Seal agreements in advance

  • Planning for growth

  • Ownership and Control Strategies

  • Technology, Company Value Perspective

  • The four primary value events

Module 2 - The Company's Business Model: Envisioning and Realizing Your Future

  • Designing a Company

  • Business thinking about financial modeling

  • Creating the Company's Business Model

  • Using the top-down approach

  • Deriving the model structure

  • Developing the operating model

  • Developing the financial model and reports

  • Organizing the Model Sequence

  • Understanding Spreadsheet Types and Naming Conventions

  • Defining the projection period

  • Developing the Design and Functionality of the Models

  • Starting and Planning the Model

  • Outlining the Functional Requirements of the Model

  • Creating high-level template design specifications

  • Performing Calculations

  • Building, or Coding, the Model

Module 3 - Creating a Business Model from Scratch

  • founding the company

  • giving wings to the idea

  • Starting the company

  • Testing market viability

  • Assessing technical feasibility

  • Validating resource viability

  • Designing the company

  • Indicating the purpose of the company

  • Defining the product

  • Establishing Your Value Proposition

  • Identifying the target market

  • accessing the market

  • Developing the marketing strategy

  • Developing the sales strategy

  • Scope definition

  • Identification of assumptions and risks

  • Develop the production approach

  • Assigning Roles and Responsibilities

  • Company deliveries

  • Master schedule, critical milestones and value creation criteria

  • project work plan

  • critical path


Module 4 - The Human Resources Model: Making the Most of Available Resources

  • Business thinking about people: evolution or smart design

  • Definition of the team in the initial phase

  • moving through the stages

  • Company Approach Planning

  • Value Event Planning

  • Understanding the Critical Components of the Personnel Model

  • Creating the Personnel Plan

  • Defining Personnel Costs

  • Developing the spreadsheet

  • Analyzing the obtained indicators.


Module 5 - Sales and Revenue Model: Map Your Financial Future

  • Business Thinking in Sales and Revenue

  • Validating the value proposition

  • analyzing the market

  • Positioning the product

  • Product Availability Planning

  • Preparing the sales strategy

  • Defining the sales forecast

  • Sales forecast in units

  • Sales and Revenue Model Planning

  • Defining product configuration and component revenue and cost assumptions

  • Development of sales forecast assumptions

  • Methods for forecasting sales

  • Understanding the product's pricing and margin worksheet

  • Defining your sales deadlines

  • I understand the accounts receivable spreadsheet

Module 7 Cost of Goods Sold and Inventory Model

  • Defining "Cost of Costs Sold"

  • Defining "Inventory"

  • Profitability Assessment and contribution to margin


Module 8 - Cost of Sales and Marketing Model: Calculate the cost of doing business

  • Completing the Market Assessment

  • Developing the value proposition

  • Introducing three types of value proposition

  • Employing a Return on Investment Model

  • Understanding sales and marketing strategy


Module 9 - Product Development Model Cost: Ensure a Return on Your Investment

  • Product Development Objectives, Strategies and Tactics

  • Creating product concept and design

  • Adopting the Agile Model of Product Development and Production

  • forming team

  • Product Lifecycle Management

  • Quality Construction

  • Sustaining Development Capacity

  • taking care of your customers

  • Know your suppliers

  • Capture intellectual property

Module 10 - Operating and Capital Expense Models: Manage Your Budget

  • Criteria for capital expenditure

  • Calculating Depreciation

  • Defining spent items

  • Considering expense categories

  • Operating Expense Model Planning (OPEX)

  • Capital Expenditure Model Planning (CAPEX)

  • Developing the models in Excel


Module 11 - Making Business Decisions Using Quantitative Models: Decision Analysis Best Practices

  • Financial Models and Decision Making

  • Conductive Variables to Financial Modeling

  • Financial modeling tools used in decision making

  • Uncertainty and Risk

  • Risk Mitigation

  • The Decision Process: From Uncertainty to Action


Module 12 - Income Statements, Results and Cash Flow

  • I understand the Income Statement

  • I understand concepts of costs, expenses and revenues

  • Exploring business cash flow impacts and product development strategy

  • Mapping investment activities

  • Preparing the investment worksheet

  • Understanding the Cash Flow Worksheet

  • Understanding the Values ​​and Investments Worksheet

  • Understanding the Company's Balance Sheet


Module 13 - Valuation and Financial Reporting

  • Modeling Valuation

  • I understand Valuation and Investments

  • Optimizing the cost of capital

  • Defining cash requirements

  • Defining company value

  • I understand investor expectations

  • Using the discounted cash flow method

  • Risk reduction with value events


Module 14 - Business Plan Steps

Module 15 - Preparing Your Pitch


Credit hours: 40h class


Investment, deadline and application procedures

Possibility of installments in up to 6 installments on the credit card


Progressive discount for:

  • 1 registration = 10%

  • 2 registrations = 15%

  • 3 registrations = 20%


The registration fee includes:

  • Printed handout and worksheets

  • Valini Training Certificate

  • Check out the payment facilities for our events. Boleto, Credit Card up to 06 interest-free installments, or Deposit to Account.

  • If you prefer, request an In-Company proposal with the benefits of adapting training to your company's reality!

Creating the Staffing Plan

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Company: Valini Training and Management Courses Ltda

CNPJ: 11,619.924.0001-97

Headquarters - São Paulo - SP - Rua George Ohm, 206 - Tower B - 10th floor - Conj. 101 B, City Monções CEP: 04576-020

Branch - Ribeirão Preto - SP - Rua José Bianchi, 555, conj. 2104


Phones: (11) 2450-7488 (16) 4141-3091

Whatsapp: (11) 93011-1501



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