
Finance, Controllership and
International Certifications
Corporative education
Who we are
Our story
The Valini trainning was created in 2010, initially as an extension of Valini Consulting and soon after, due to the increased demand for training, it started to have a life of its own.
Currently, in addition to a broad portfolio of training in the area of Controllership, Finance and Business, it became a global partner of the world's leading Scrum certifier, which is an iterative and incremental Agile framework to successfully deliver projects.


our purpose

Improve the results of professionals and companies
Our Scrum Programs
Training in Finance and Controllership
Bimonthly Agenda
Treinamento - Valuation Avaliação de Empresas - 05 a 13/07/2021 - noturno
Treinamento - OBZ Orçamento Base Zero - 18 a 21/07/2022 - noturno
Treinamento - GMD Orçamento Matricial - 20 a 23/06/2022 - noturno


Contact us.
Headquarters - São Paulo - SP - Rua George Ohm, 206 - Tower B - 10th floor - Conj. 101 B, City Monções CEP: 04576-020
(11) 2450-7488